Windows 10 64bit Binary (32bit Not Available)
SVN: canuckcoin-0.0.3-win64-setup.exegithub: canuckcoin-0.0.3-win64-setup.exe
- Branding is broken in a few places in the installer
- Windows Defender and Anti-Virus complains, possibly because of the lack of signature. This seems to be common with Bitcoin-core and related clients.
- Encrypting the wallet can take a while depending on your machine. Wait for it to finish (it doesn't give progress or updates, might seem like it is stuck - just let it finish)

Linux Debian-Buster Binary 64bit (32bit Not Available)
SVN: canuckcoin-core_0.0.3_amd64.debgithub: canuckcoin-core_0.0.3_amd64.deb
- The Debian binary was poorly packaged, it will not warn or offer to install dependencies. We'll figure out how to fix this in the future.
- You will need to run shell commands, eg.) canuckcoin-qt unless the binary installs the links into gnome/kde/xfce or whatever you use (it didn't in testing)
- It is advisable to run it from the shell as it will tell you exactly what you're missing. If you have too much trouble it might be good to roll it from source.
* The Canuckcoin core wallet was forked from Litecoin. Commands and documentation applicable to Litecoin core is applicable to Canuckcoin core. *
Most recent work will likely be done in SVN before transferring to git.
SVN: svn.jmbg.net/canuckcoin
github: github.com/canuckcoin-project/canuckcoin